Every now and then I am contacted by private sellers looking to get decent photographs of their property. Recently I was asked to shoot a home in the wonderful suburb of Cowies Hill, which if you’re not familiar with Durban is sandwiched between Pinetown and Westville. This suburb forms part of the annual Comrades Marathon route and is very picturesque, with winding roads and lush, almost forest like vegetation in abundance. You may be forgiven for thinking that you have left Durban for somewhere in Europe while travelling through Cowies Hill. In my personal opinion I think it is one of Durban’s best kept secrets and I won’t be lying when I tell you that I have yet to photograph a home I didn’t love in this suburb.

Cowies Hill homes seem to share a common trait in that they are designed around outdoor living. Joyful entertainment areas, landscaped gardens and generously proportioned interior spaces are the order of the day here. The subject of this particular blog post was no exception and the owners have created a truly luxurious home that is bound to excite prospective buyers. I couldn’t find a single fault with this property. The design is elegant and the finishes are quite simply marvellous. Enjoy the tour!

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